Wednesday, June 04, 2008

happy day!

My new computer arrived last week and it has been at the computer doc to have files from the old hard drive copied to the new. Now it's back and I'm getting used to the new display, with almost all my old files... Yeehaaa! So far iTunes is missing, and i can't open my pampered chef program to work, but I will deal with that tomorrow. Right now I am happy just to be back at my desk and in my cheerful little office (if you overlook the clutter).

One of the benefits of NOT having my computer was having time to "idle" elsewhere. One of the things I did was to dip into some books, and I hit the motherlode in terms of benefit. Too complicated to try to unpack that at the moment, but let's just say that I am beginning to emerge from the rubble of the last few months, and feeling good about it. Now if only I could afford the psychiatrist engaged to help me!

For now, one day at a time, and gratitude for my blessings. Today those happen to begin with a J, so here goes: Janet (two of you), Jill, Jules, Jayne, Junior, Juliet, Johanna, Jacob and Jenny. No doubt I am overlooking someone or something that begins with a J, but this is a really good start.

Any gratitudes you'd like to share?


madcow said...

Well I know some of those "J's" too and they're all up on my grateful list. Grateful for my "J" of course and jellybeans (the green ones) and even jelly-belly which proves I have enough to eat! LOL
What else? Grateful you're back online! Grateful for the "Walmart" email - if only you knew how great your timing was. It "pinged" at a moment when I desperately needed a laugh & virtual hug.

Janet M said...

Gratitude with a J is a good place to start Anne. Glad your new cpu is up and running, I get upset when mines out of sorts for a few hours, not that I have anything that important to do on there.
If I use J - I have to add Jules and Jill in there too, also Julie and Jeff.
Have a good day.


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