Friday, March 02, 2018

where's reverent irreverence?

Um, so, I knew it had been a while since I had written a post here, but nine months? Sheesh... Let's rectify that!

A lot has happened since last June: new job, new location and place to live, reunited with hubby and puppies, loss of beloved Raisa (she's fine, she's just no longer with me/us)... it's a whole new life! Who knew that turning 60 would mean turning such a significant corner?

I'm writing this while the rain pours outside, and Ken is off to breakfast with a couple of the guys from the Friday morning men's bible study. Except for the sound of traffic on the road and rain hitting the window it's quiet, and a good time to reflect. There's so much to share! I'm not even going to attempt to plunge in to all of it in this post. Mostly I just want to reintroduce myself and lay claim, once again, to this space that so often has proved to be a balm for my soul. 

Since saying "yes!" to my new job as rector of a church activity has been at full throttle: we are still unpacking and settling from Ken's move from TN, and the relocation of all of our worldly goods, and February was absolutely packed with events at the church for which planning and execution was all-consuming. I feel like I'm just now emerging from the press of all that to catch my breath and survey the landscape of possibility on so many fronts. 

I can say this. My creative spirit is itchy. I started a writing project last summer to which I would like to return; there are two tabs open on my browser right now for 1) an opportunity to take a quilting class, and 2) participate in an online fabric collage course; I'm probably going to commit myself to an icon-writing opportunity in May; the need for window treatments here will likely prompt some domestic goddess-like activity... In short, lots to consider on that front.

I will bring this short "hello!" to a close with a brief description of the photo above. It was taken at the Celebration of New Ministry at the church last month, and features most of my family (we are missing nephew, Jesse, and sister-in-law Linda). Most significantly, it's the first time that Mom had been out from Seabury for an activity that wasn't related to health care since her stroke! Go, Mom! The bishop decided to photo bomb the family photo shoot, which was fun. Love her. 

Okay, more later, when I can focus on one thing to share. The time has been rich, so there's plenty into which to delve. Be blessed!


The Bug said...

I'm so happy for you! I'll keep my eyes on this space...

Jayne said...

Good to "see" you back here! So happy that life seems to be unfolding all sorts of wonderful opportunities! Can't wait to hear about it all. xo

Pamela Brouker said...

Glad to start reading...thanks for your prayer for Resurrection Day and resting from our labor...will continue to read..I'm on beginnings at mahraiahblog


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