I confess! I confess! I've been negligent with my blogging duties, and am way past due with an update. It's a combination of things: not thinking I have anything to say, not having pictures to post, suffering from the goldfish syndrome (not being able to concentrate on anything for more than five seconds at a time), and so on. Forgive me, please!
The news from here is:
~Spring has arrived! The daffs are blooming, Bradford pears are beginning to display their lovely white petals, and the forsythia is being its usual showy self. Love it! I don't mind winter in the least, but I LOVE the beauty of spring.
~I finally flagged the yard! What that means is that the dogs now know that there is a boundary they aren't able to cross, and they can be let out to do their thing, romp, or just enjoy the increasing amounts of sunshine.
~Ken got his business name put on his truck, and is SUCH a happy camper. He's also getting very busy, and has hired a helper! Woohoo!!
~I've decided to sell Pampered Chef! I had been trying to figure out what I could do part time and have flexible hours, and when we hosted a party a few weeks ago the consultant happened to mention that this very combination was something she loved about selling Pampered Chef. Duh! I love to cook, love the product, and in April will be official!
~Our first anniversary is approaching! How time flies. Nearly a year ago we moved to this house and a few days later were married in the living room. 2006 sure was eventful!
~Junior is wrapping up a ghastly training program, called SEERS (survival, escape, evasion, reconnaisance and surveillance, I think). Anyone watch "The Unit?" One of the episodes featured SEERS training, and it's not pretty. Bascially the soldiers experience life in captivity. You can imagine the rest. We hope to see him next week when he gets leave prior to his next deployment.
That about covers it, except for a few things which I'll save for the next few days so that I can get back into the habit of posting! As I write a Pampered Chef recipe is wafting through the house--yummmmmmm, wish you all could join us!