Ken got a new van the other day, trading in his old, '94 pick-up with camper shell for a year-old, full size Chevy cargo express van (say that three times fast!). He's like a kid with a new toy. The van is a big improvement for his work, enabling him to store tools and equipment efficiently, and have ready (and comfortable) access to it. This morning we took a photo inventory of his assorted tools, and he loaded everything into the van, utilizing shelves that he built in. See the before, during, and after pics! Having a functional, reliable work vehicle has given him a boost, and it's fun to see him grin as he talks about it. When money permits we'll get his business name painted on the exterior pa

nels, and he'll really be in business!

Wow, no wonder he's excited! It looks terrific and he did a fabulous job on the shelves. Way to go Ken!!
That looks really cool. Now could he build us a 'scrap room' on wheels? lol
Very nice indeed!
Hello? Anyone home? Time to blog again. Whatcha up to up there?
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