We're back from our weekend in St. Louis, where I visited with my friend Kathy and

Ken spent some time visiting with relatives in the area, some of whom he hadn't seen in about 30 years! Kathy begins her chemo treatment today, so for all you pray'ers out there, please keep her in yours! It will be a megadose, the first of four given once a month. She is in remarkably good spirits, and was getting around better than when I saw her last. We were able to get out to do some errands, join some friends for breakfast on Saturday (pics from that in a separate post), and I helped with odds and ends kind of projects, as well as with getting presents wrapped for her.
We had the treat of Katie overnight on Saturday (see pics!), and she is as adorable a

s ever. Kathy had gotten her a snowsuit that she tried on, and looked quite a bit like a marshmallow! She's a wee thing, ordinarily. I'll ask that you indulge me in one Katie story. We had put her to bed at her usual time, turned out lights and retreated to adult territory, but she had had a long nap that afternoon and wasn't quite ready to call it a day. Via the monitor from her room we could hear her chatter and her attempts to draw us back to play with her. "Let's read another book!" she'd try. Or, "Katie has a poopey diaper" (that little ploy worked once, LOL). But we couldn't contain our giggles when she tried, in a sing-songey voice (you'll have to imagine the inflection on the basis of my attempts to emphasize syllables), "GIgi, GRANtee, everybody... HellOOOOOooooo." It was just too cute. I wish I could remember some of the other dear things that she said, but such is my addled brain this morning!
Now it's back to the grind to complete a few more projects before Christmas. Hope it's a great day for one and all!