After a couple of days of melancholy (we are receiving a lot more “regrets” for the wedding than we anticipated) today has been a turn-around. I got some cleaning done, the results of which are always satisfying and a good “pick-me-up,” I’m making progress on Katie’s flower girl dress, crossed a few more things off the “to do” list, kept on top of thank you notes, and managed to get a few errands done before lunch. This morning a wedding gift was delivered by Fed-Ex, and in today’s mail two additional gifts arrived, plus a little something from Jules that is perfect for altering. (Thank you, Jules! It’s perfect!!) It’s what Kip calls a Big Biscuit Day!

Tomorrow I have the fitting for my dress, and tomorrow evening there’s a reception for our diocesan clergy to meet the nominees on the slate from which we will try to elect a new bishop. I actually have hope for this election. After reading their bios and materials I could vote for any of the three (down from an original slate of five after two withdrew), and I think there are many of us who feel the selection is a good one.
We’re looking forward to tonight’s
Dancing with the Stars, and I will be interested to see how they will drop back and punt in response to Sara Evans’ withdrawal. The press hasn’t been quiet about Sara’s pending divorce (entire pages of articles in the Nashville paper), but there sure hasn’t been much word from ABC!
Today’s picture is a sunset from Melrose when we there last week. Oh, to be back there on the porch watching the day fade with a nice glass of wine, yummy nibbles, and good company…