I was the associate rector at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Ladue, Missouri. A new rector arrived February 1, and the quality of my professional life began to swirl down the toilet. Happy memories, can’t you tell?
On my to-do list today:
1) As a member of our diocesan Commission on Ministry I serve as liaison to two people in the ordination process to help steer them through, answer questions, and be their spokesperson (and sometimes their advocate if that is needed). This morning I am meeting one of them for coffee at Starbucks in Nashville.
2) Follow
3) On the way home, weather permitting, I’ll stop at the new Whole Foods to pick up some arrowroot (and no doubt one or two other things). Hard to believe that store has been open nearly four months and I have yet to cross the threshold! (photo was taken at WF in St. Louis.)
4) At home, make some soup (remember the arrowroot?)
5) Fix dinner.
What I would do if I were suddenly made a billionaire:
Pay off all our debt, then throw a really big party to celebrate ... Establish a trust for some young people I know that don’t have the necessary funds or family support to go to college … Take my mother on a trip of her choosing … Do some nice things for people I care about … Establish a foundation to give money away … Buy some land and build a house (with a great view and lots of space for guests!).
3 places I have lived:
Hartford, CT (see photo); Richmond, IN; University City, MO,

5 Jobs that I have had:
1) first paid job: bakery clerk
2) Department store salesperson (scarves and sunglasses, really exciting…)
3) Youth Program Director, YWCA
4) Computer programmer (more glamorously titled “systems analyst”)
5) Priest
5 Things people don't know about me:
1) Most don’t know that I was bit by a dog on my face when I was 11. 45 stitches created a crescent-shaped scar on my right cheek that hardly shows.
2) I loathe the color orange unless it is natural (like a pumpkin, marigold, etc)
3) I have an extra vertebra in my lower back
4) I was born with a club foot
5) I have observed open-heart surgery in the OR (stood at the feet of the patient and at the head by the anesthesiologist)
I’m not going to tag anyone from this, but if anyone wants to give this a whirl, be my guest!