Monday, February 07, 2011

yet another effort to emerge from my own chaos

I used to be an organized person. Underneath the surface clutter of my life I think I still am an organized person, but you would not know it by a) looking at my house (it does not meet feng shui standards) and, b) evaluating what I manage to get done in my day-to-day stretching into month-to-month life.

I need a basic life makeover. The structural kind. Not just time management (I've got the theory down pat. Practice, not so much), and not even clutter management (I can still revamp a closet with the best of them when I set out to do that). Zen management. Yeah, that's what I need. Free the chi and let loose. I've intended to write Christmas thank you notes for, well, since Christmas, but I can't manage to clear sufficient surface area at my desk to write. Dining room table? I'm lucky if there's room for my plate without setting it down on the newspaper or a pile of the latest clipped coupons. Aaaaaaaaaaacccccccchhhhhhhh!

I have discovered in the last several years that prompts help. In the scrapbook world these come in the way of challenges: use this color, x number of photos, four words in the title, and so on. It helps! In blogging, having the friday five narrows down the field of possible subjects about which to write. Occasionally I draw on memes posted by others, or, if I've been out with the camera, participate in the monday mosaic of photos.

Thanks to my cross stitch project (it really is almost done!) I have been exercising creative muscle over the last month, but I want to do more. More, I tell you! Another cross stitch project waits in the wings, but my blogging buddy Nancy has provided a pattern for a project I'd really love to do and told me to get busy. Marching orders help, too! Feeding my inner creator is really vital to my well-being, and I am trying to find ways to get on a workable feeding schedule.

And then I came upon a blog that intends to help in that area. It's called Creative Every Day, and it offers a theme for each month as a way to focus creativity. I really like the concept. At the moment, however, the effort to create feels overwhelming. I expect the clutter has something to do with that. That, and the procrastination gene, which has gone into overdrive.

Truth is, I can conquer the clutter. I have just not made it a priority. It's true that each day that dawns comes with its own list of priorities. I have a job to do, and there's always more to do than can be accomplished. And then before I know it it's time to go to the gym, and then, well, look at the time! Lunch, and half the day is gone. Where did it go?

Today, before going to the gym, I will sit down with my calendar and allot my time for the week. I will include a minimum of 30 minutes each day to tend to the clutter in my office. I will reacquaint myself with the Fly Lady (who was a big help last summer).  I will design my own 12-step program to reclaim myself from myself. You heard it here first.

I want you to know that each and every one of you helps. Some of you inspire me in the creative realm, others in the area of following through with intentions. Well-articulated blog posts that make me think with my head or my heart stir me away from stagnancy. Others make me giggle, or outright guffaw. Nothing starts the day as well as GOL--guffawing out loud. You are all part of my friendly, informal support group, and you make my day. So, thank you.You matter.

And now, my daily banana, the first round of fuel reinforcement for my gym workout. Then I'll see if I can find my calendar buried among the clutter on my desk (insert smiley face, winking).

And for a really good laugh, please visit this web site to learn how playful icons and prayers might assist you in your hour of need! But more importantly, have a great Monday, and an even better week. Smooches!


The Bug said...

Flylady. That's all I have to say about that. Heh.

I'm a Flylady dropout - but I do still do some of her suggestions (try to shine my sink, swish & swipe the bathroom, lay out my clothes the night before). I'm just not good at following directions :)

Terri said...

I hope your plan for organization works (3o mins a day)...I seem to live in perpetual chaos these days, but there are reasons for it that I can't do much about. sigh

Jayne said...

I suppose having Sam in my life has made me uber organized and set in a routine that works for us. Oh, not that there are not "things" I need to get done. Uh, like going through a gazillion banker boxes of "stuff" we moved out of Madge's little apartment when she passed away in... 2005? EEK. But, they are out of sight and out of mind, tucked away in a basement closet. Good luck with your planned 30 minutes a day. Sounds like a good start!


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