She explained to me that I was holding on to things, storing them, if you will, in my body. I was literally adding to the increased pounds because my body was getting the message that I "should" hold on. Except that the things to which I am holding aren't mine.
Again, I knew what she meant. To aid my health, I need to let go.
So I have been thinking about release. It's one thing to understand the idea of releasing or letting go of something. And sometimes it is clear what needs to be done to release things to which we've been holding. But I had been unaware that what I was holding wasn't mine in the first place.
This will take some thought and reflection to sort out, but in my mind a process is emerging to assist that effort. In typical "J" fashion I will make a list! I can summon up a few ideas about some of the things that I have volunteered to take on as baggage. I can symbolically set them down, an act that will aid in releasing some of their weight. But more importantly I need to take stock of why I am taking them on in the first place. It is not a conscious decision to do so, and there has been no contract drawn up that indicates this is part of a job description. I have some ideas about that, too, and need to spend some dedicated time reflecting on this and understanding what is going on.
The good news is that I am not afraid of such work, or of facing whatever I learn. And I am fortunate to have my friend as support, guide, and translator as I take on consciously the effort of identifying and shedding baggage. And eventually, body weight. It is a new journey. Time to strap on the necessary footgear for the path that lies ahead and take a deep breath.
I never did buy into the idea that the weight that has piled on was simply a matter of hormones and that diet and exercise would resolve the issue.
Breathe. Take a step. Breathe. Take a step. Breathe...
Huh. I'm going to have to think about this!
As one who is going through the same stuff...as one who is doing a variety of alternative treatments to aide...as one who gets this....I have to say - I think it is both. Perhaps a holding on AND perhaps an aging body...it may be the combination. And, the diet and exercise (or lack there of) may feed into the things we hold on too....
Hmmmm, food for thought. In fact, I've been chewing on this one all day...
You better not be 'letting go' of me...I shall protest loudly! Miss you and this post gave me reflection as well. Smoochies
Get the book Diary of a Medical Intuitive by Cristel Nani and all this will further make sense. It's true... all of it. I think we "hold onto" lots of stuff which makes us toxic. So glad you have someone to offer guidance. Love to you.
Good luck as you take this journey. I agree that it's likely some of both. As a rule our metabolism slows down as we age, and menopause DOES add the possibility of weight gain for some women. (Hysterectomies even more so - I've gained at least 20 pounds since mine 7 years ago.)
Having said that I know why I'm gaining weight: I eat too many carbs so I can get through a day of caregiving, and I eat too much other stuff to fill the spiritual emptiness.
Yes, I know I need to release things too, but at the same time I need to find satisfactory ful-fillment in other ways. Wish your medical intuitive friend was closer!
Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this -- very wise words indeed.
What a powerful insight. I look forward to hearing more on this journey if you feel comfortable sharing it.
Okay, dang it, I'm still chewing on this...my blog post the other day was titled "Letting Go of Sacred Threads" and I think I had much more than what was in the post that I was thinking about...I'm working on finishing up a quilt that is my middle son's graduation present from two years ago and he is moving 6 hours away this next week to continue his graduation and I don't want to let him go...so much letting go. Is that why so many moms have fat backsides as their kids leave them? Arrrgh! Let go how? Let go what?
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