Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Our inventory of computer peripherals has gone through some transition. We had two computers, two working printers, and one printer on standby. Then my printer bit the dust. I used Ken's. Then Ken's computer got zapped by a virus and his printer couldn't be accessed. The standby printer had been nonfunctional for so long that the ink had dried up. It was also, in the context of technology, obsolete. Spend the money on ink cartridges and hope for the best? I opted to use a gift card from Best Buy to buy a new printer. Merry Christmas to me!

The good news is that I can now print again. The good news is that I can now catch up on all the things that have been awaiting printing. The bad news is that I am overwhelmed with such tasks and the followup details that attend those print jobs! Eeeek!

So here I am to apologize for my lack of attention to this blog, and the lack of time to visit (never mind comment) on the blogs of others. Soon! Soon! In the meantime enjoy these days of Advent preparation, and may your weather be bearable.

1 comment:

Jayne said...

It's amazing how much we depend on these things to just work! :c) Hope you get caught up soon. It's really gotten colder here this week. You'd think it was December or something. (wink)


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