I'll check in from her place, and do my best to keep up with you all. Be well!
cicada detritus
that every day presents an opportunity to redefine myself
the many wishes for a happy birthday with which I was showered on facebook. That made my day!
that suitable weather emerges soon in order for the grass to get cut.
the poor and bedraggled in Louisiana, watching their lives sink before their very eyes
Dust and dog hair don't vanish of their own accord, no matter how many times they wave to a certain spouse
scanning more photographs from the early Melrose albums (1910's and 1920's); taxes; figuring out what I want to do with the rest of my life
so many condiments taking up space in the fridge begs for some creative cooking or baking. Stay tuned!
the usual, sad to say
birthdays! (it was my birthday on Friday, but with blogger being down I had no way to tell you!)
the rain is falling gently on freshly mowed grass, less weedy garden beds, and Ken's newly planted, started-from-seed tomato and pepper plants.
that in spite of some challenges in our life, I've got decent health and a sharp mind (except when it's not, if you know what I mean)
yesterday's beauty and the endurance to get some necessary yard work done
to plan some scrapbook layouts this afternoon
the people of Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi and parts of Tennessee who have lost their homes, their loved ones, and their communities
it's less than two weeks until my birthday!
one word: Melrose!
leftovers and perishables will go on the road with us
same old, same old!
morning quiet, especially this morning as the falling rain is gentle and offers up a soothing melody