Attendant attire is still plaguing me. I saw a dress (I’ll post it another time) that I just loved, but it is the wrong color (yes, I’m sure that could be changed) and wrong style for mid-forties gals. But oh, the color itself is luscious, and I just couldn’t take my eyes off of it. There were also some lovely floral presentations, but a lot of it was also over the top. Not on my budget! My floral budget is very limited, which saddens me since I love flowers, but there are alternatives to that. We’ve opted to spend our money elsewhere.
It’s a busy week for us: Ken’s daughter and son-in-law will be here for breakfast before they head back to Savannah from KY, there’s a doctor appointment, homework for me for a meeting on Saturday, elections on Thursday (Ken is an election “judge”), and a handful of other details, not to mention ongoing work on the web site. And Jayne, if you have a chance to read this, we’re thinking of you as you move to your new house this week! Have a good one, y’all!