Thursday, May 14, 2009

you may call me lady anne

... but before I tell you about that I want to tell you about my birthday evening.

A play in one act.

Act I, scene 1: dinner with friends last Friday at The Bull and Whistle, a new pub in town. A beautiful evening out on the patio, a breeze. Good food, good company.

Me: "Let's talk about plans for my birthday next week. I just want to grill out and have friends over."

Ken: "I'm taking you out to dinner" I look at Ken with a "how dare you be so bossy about my birthday" dagger in my eye. He continues... "It was supposed to be a surprise!"

I weigh my options. Tough call--taking care of and standing up for self, tending to the delicate marriage balance. I decide to choose my battles. I shut up.

Act I: scene 2: Mother's Day breakfast at church. I whine about my birthday to the women seated with me at the table.

Me: "Ken says he's taking me out for dinner. I just want to grill out and have friends over!" (note that my desire is singular. Give me points for consistency!). Conversation ensues that is predictable among women when talking about men. Commiseration, wise counsel...

Act I, scene 3: lunch on the day of my birthday with women from Bible Study and two others that joined us. I whine some more. Obviously I have not let go of what one friend describes as my need to be in control. (That's a discussion for another time.) Refer to scene 2.

Act I, scene 4: heading out to dinner the evening of my birthday

Me: "So where are we going for dinner?"

Ken: "It's a surprise!"

Me: "Okay" (true resignation). "You're turning left. That narrows down the choices," I am unnecessarily observant. Conversation ensues about efficient routes to various dining establishments in town, and that although we could get to any of them by "turning left," it would not be efficient to do so for most of them.

Ken: "You shouldn't be worrying about efficient routes to places, do you know why?"

Me: "Because you're driving"

Ken: "That's right!"

Me: "I can't help it, that's the way my brain works."

Shortly we turn right, and then into the parking lot of the Bull and Whistle. We get into the restaurant and the hostess asks,

"how many?" I hold up two fingers, but Ken walks past her and says, "we have reservations." I look at her and shrug. I follow Ken. We pass by a cluster of people at the bar and then I spy a group through the dim light of the pub just as they begin to sing,

"Happy Birthday to you!..." Ten women friends serenade me.

Ken: gives me a kiss. "Happy Birthday." Then to the group, "Someone see to it that she gets home." He departs. It was the best gift he could have given me.

My birthday rocked!

Now, about my title...

At dinner with the local sisterhood I received one of the most original gifts on record: notice of a Deed of Entitlement as the rightful proprietor of my very own square foot of Dunan Castle (grounds), Argyll, Scotland!

As rightful owner I am entitled to use the title Lady Anne of Dunans Castle. I have lifetime access to the grounds, the right to fish on the property, use the stationary and offical insignia, my own email address, and a tree planted in my honor, among other goodies.

Is this cool or what!!!

I am still learning about Dunans Castle, the site of which has a history that goes back about 500 years. Its active history is more recent (19th century), and several years ago a fire took out its roof. New owners are working to restore and expand the usefulness of the property, which boasts the tallest tree in the United Kingdom, a Stronardron Fir. My little patch of heaven is in the vicinity of this fir.


Dr. Laura Marie Grimes said...

Happy belated birthday, Lady Anne! So glad you enjoyed the celebration after all!

Anonymous said...


Pam in Moncton said...

Well, Lady Anne, that is the coolest thing I have heard of in a long time! And what a good man you have!

Janet M said...

Tell Ken nice job on your birthday and a belated Happy Birthday from me, I haven't been keeping up with them lately.
Well that sure was just the most creative and wonderful gift I'm sure you could have recieved.
Happy Birthday Goddess Lady Anne

Jayne said...

Now, THAT is cool indeed, LADY Anne!


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