In the meantime, Ken is trying to get back to work after having been released from disability, and this is just not a locale where he can get sufficient work. Relocation is in order! After considering any number of choices over a period of several months about where to go, and doing some research about cost of living, housing, and so on, we decided to look in the greater Nashville area, near where I used to live. We can’t afford much, we need a certain space, and the pickin’s are slim! BUT!! We found something we like a great deal, an offer has been made and accepted, and we’re slated to move at the end of March. Wow! Hard to believe this has happened so fast, and that two months from now we’ll be settled in!
It’s a 3BR ranch on about half an acre, with a one-car garage that we will convert for other use. We’ll build a separate space for my studio (I’ll use one of the bedrooms in the meantime) with a two-car garage adjoining it.
Here are a few photos. Unfortunately the weather has been bleak on the two occasions we’ve been there and taken pictures, so the house doesn’t look its best, but I’m sure you’ll be seeing lots more in the future! I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!

How very lovely!!! I can see you all settling in there comfortably. I am so excited for you both, and how wonderful too that it's in an area with which you are already so familiar. Although I will certainly miss your being closer by, I am so glad you will have more space to bloom. :c) Much love to you both...
I've spent hours with paint charts but am still no closer to a decision on the colour for my bedroom which could perhaps, be known as the 'Princess Suite' from now on!! LOL I just love the look of this house - it feels just right and I'm sure very quickly it will become a home. Love & hugs.
Oh man, your house looks so beautiful. Today the blog readings are killing me: new houses, new wishblades and travel arrangements so far and this is only the third. How very exciting for you to find a home that can accomodate your business, studio and your man. The house is truly homey looking, cant wait to visit. LOL
Wow! Congratulations on finding a new house so quickly. It sounds great and looks lovely. Lots of space too and not so isolated. I imagine the dogs will enjoy all the space around it too.
WOW Anne
Thats sooo exciting!! Real nice place by the looks of it!! You guys will make it your own in no time!! Very cool!1 janet
Anne darling, I love the house. It will be fun to see you with room to move and create! Best wishes from your pal in Paradise.
Wow, it looks terrific and I can't wait to see it in person some day! I love the fireplace and with all your nice furniture it's going to look terrific. You'll be in 7th heaven with all that room!
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