We are facing many challenges at home. The combination of last year's misfortunes (my loss of income, the economy, a client of Ken's who didn't pay a significant bill) leave us scrambling now. We are not ahead of the game, and the options available to us are disheartening. Ken says he's tired of fighting against the odds to keep his business functioning. I'm juggling making payments on bills. Somewhere in an online article I was reading about how to improve your credit rating. It suggested cutting back on luxuries and making bigger payments toward credit card debt. I laughed. Luxuries? There is no discretionary income. We haven't seen luxury in I don't know how long.
There are people better off than us, and certainly, these days, there are people far worse off. On the continuum of struggle, I venture we're about in the middle. It is what it is and we are where we are.
From my perspective we hold on, we pray, and we work toward and anticipate a shift in our favor. But Ken is discouraged, weary and does not appear to see the possibility for hope that I feel in my heart.
So I ask your prayers.
For all who suffer in this economy.
For favor to fall on Ken's business.
For Ken's spirits.
For strength, patience and wisdom for me as I keep him company during these "for poorer" and "for worse" days.
For prosperity for our nation.
I'd really like to sail in the kind of circumstances that allow me to revel in the experience. I pray that day comes sooner than later.
Oh, Anne, I hear you. This is a difficult time to be sure. You are in my thoughts and prayers as are all that are suffering because of this economy. Hang in there, things will get better. Of that I am sure.
Things are getting dreary everywhere and it's very scary. Sending many positive thoughts your way Anne!
I hear you girlfriend...You and ken are in our thoughts and prayers..
Thank God, and I do daily, that I have a good job....as Jan, like Ken is feeling the pain of the self employed small businessman in a bad economy. We at least had savings form the "good years' to fall back on...however that is frightening small now.
Keeping you in my prayers...
Love and Hugs
Prayers ascend... :c)
As always, I am with you! Same here with friends & family all going through the same situation - more than one friend "saved" at the eleventh hour by a contract for work, others facing some tough decisions. You & Ken are not alone & I guess we just have to all stick together through these times. I am positive we will come out the other end with minds, hearts & integrity still intact! Believe!
Of course you and Ken are in my thoughts and prayers. Wish I could be there to give you a big hug!
Will be praying for you!
Prayers for you and your beloved.
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