Gravestone of my great-great-great-great-great-grandmother, mother-in-law of Anne McKinne I
1. Do you have any interest in genealogy?

2. Which countries did your ancestors come from?
On both sides of the family the lineage hails from England, with strains of Scotland, Ireland and Wales in the mix. I seem to identify most with the Scottish DNA. There is Dutch-German and German flavor as well.
3. Who is the farthest back ancestor whose name you know?
Edward I, King of England. I am very fortunate that both my grandmothers had a interest in genealogy and passed on to me the records they had acquired, so I have lots of information. I've done my own research to fill in gaps, verify data and raise some questions. I can never get enough, though, and have so many questions about the what's and how's hidden behind the data.
4. Any favorite saints or sinners in the group?
Hah! I can tell you that my paternal grandfather died in the arms of another woman while out of town at a newspaper convention in Columbus, Ohio. That skeleton did not stay in the closet! Other than that the stories are interesting more than they are juicy. For instance, a great-great-great-great-grandfather was pastor of the congregational church in Bristol, RI for some forty years. He kept a meticulous diary, and included in it portions of conversations he shared with people over meals, or which he found of particular value to him. On one occasion a trial in the community involved a dispute between two men with conflicting understandings about a transaction into which they had entered with each other. It turns out that Grandfather Wight had recorded some information about this in his diary, and the diary entry was admitted as evidence at the trial. Those were the days, eh?
5. What would you want your descendants to remember about you?
I have no descendants, but I hope that I will be remembered by those in my life as being compassionate and giving. My mother is a great model in life and I would like to be more like. She, like her mother before her, is a great maintainer of relationships. I seem to take more after my father in nature in that department, but I aspire to be more like my mom in that way. I guess I would like to be remembered as I will remember her: helpful, selfless, caring, generous of heart, and so much more.
Bonus: a song, prayer, or poem that speaks of family--blood or chosen--to you.
I need to think about this and post later.
I love your stories! And pictures. And the tribute you are to your mother. I'm sure she will take it as an extra mother's day blessing!
I also identify with my Scottish ancestry more than any other, probably because my mother did, too. Wonderful stories. You inspire me in so many ways.
Oh! Juicy stuff on the paternal grandfather side.
Good to hear others with a good materanl bond!
I am watching your pics go by! So sweet
How wonderful to share your name with so many foremothers--and to have proof of a royal ancestor too. My mother's father's family goes back to a Brewster of Mayflower era which some people claim as in the compact, but sadly the better research indicates we are from a different Brewster!
Great stories!
wow! you're royalty! very cool! i think it's pretty awesome that you are the 7th Anne McKinne--must be a great story there!
thanks for sharing a wonderful play!
How wonderful to know that much of your family history!
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