Thursday, September 11, 2008

pros and cons

Life in flux is not the most fun place to be, but there are some advantages to the current state of affairs for me.

I love being home. Especially since I've outgrown most of my clothes I can lounge in sweatpants and t-shirts and not worry about hair and makeup. I like being in this environment and surrounded by a space and "things" that bring comfort. It's convenient to prepare food or meals according to my own schedule. It's nice to be able to take time out to spend with the dogs. I can do laundry or clean the kitchen as a break from other tasks. I can catch up on tivo when I need a diversion. I have flexibility in my schedule to work in just about anything I need or want to.

But I miss regular contact with people. I enjoy working with a team or a staff because it gets me out of my own world and makes me aware of the challenges and joys in the lives of others. Contact and interaction connects. It's helpful to my own sense of purpose to feel that I am working toward a goal or outcome with others. My life may be about me (and Ken), but life is not about me. I'm a player in the mix, and I want to contribute to the mix. To some extent I can do that now, but not in the same way as when I'm "out there" in the world.

But for now I love being home, and I savor this time and the blessings it offers, even in the midst of its challenges.

1 comment:

Jayne said...

There are hidden blessings in where ever we seem to be in our lives at any given time. Maybe God knew you needed this time for reflection, clarity, and prayer. In time, all will be clear to you my friend. I just know it.


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