Sunday, September 07, 2008

the weighting game

Chalk it up to age, I guess, and that thing called menopause. Over the last 18 months my weight has been out of control. Out of nowhere it simply began to climb. My eating habits had not changed significantly, and though my exercise decreased, it wasn't so radical a change in lifestyle to explain the weight gain. I have never been so heavy in my life, never felt (literally) the odd experience of bulges getting in the way. I've never had an overly active sweet tooth, but since my 20's when I made a conscious choice to forego desserts and sweet things (except on occasion), sugar has not been a temptation. Give me salt any day!

Now, all of a sudden, I have cravings for something sweet. Publix's "no sugar added" Turtle Tracks ice cream has found its way into my shopping cart a number of times in the past couple of months. I blame this on wandering hormones.

Although I couldn't keep up with the really healthy diet that I started a couple of years ago (and yes, it was effective!), I am health conscious with most of my food choices. It has been maddening!

Yes, exercise would be helpful. Unfortunately I no longer have access to the pool/gym. When our membership was up for renewal we couldn't afford to keep it up, and neither of us had been for months. I ought to walk in the neighborhood, but have lacked the discipline to get myself out the door. Once the weather is more comfortable that should be easier.

My doctor and OB/GYN have not been helpful. One says "watch what you eat," (I do!), the other says, "Welcome to the club." I guess the cultural obsession with weight and dieting, especially among women, has numbed their ears to this woman's genuine plea for help. I should insist on them paying attention, but like many in this world I succumb to the "authority" of doctors (and I should know better, I grew up with one!).

The "good" news is that I seem to have stopped gaining. Now to do something to lose. I'd be happy with two pounds a month at this point. Anything that suggests I'm moving in the right direction. Anything that allows me, some days down the road, to discover that the pants I'm wearing feel loose. I can be patient. There are no bathing suit appearances in the known future. I just want this maddening experience to end.

1 comment:

Jayne said...

Lordy sister, I am soooo with you. Once I had my hyst a year ago in March, I got off my walking gig, and truly, even though my eating has not been at all bad, the "relaxation" of my body has been maddening. It seems as if overnight, my metabolic rate just came to a screeching halt and even when I really watch what I am eating, the weight just laughs at me. I can still get in and/or zip most things, but they are lumpy and uncomfortable now. Sigh....
So, if it's any consolation, you are not alone. I'd give up the wine, but... well. :c)
We even put at TV in front of the danged treadmill as I was sure then it would be less boring. Am I using it?
Just know that I am fully in your corner. Somethin's gotta give... ugh.


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