Monday, February 23, 2009

dashing through the morning

Busy day yesterday, and too late an evening watching the oscars. No surprises except that there really weren't any disasters in the fashion department! Our favorite was Penelope Cruz.

Had a good and productive vestry meeting yesterday; in adult forum we talked about Lent and how we could help ourselves make the most of the season spiritually (wish I had the time to write some reflection on that--maybe later. hmmm, might make a good article for the newsletter, which I need to do in the next couple of days); had a good crowd at worship, including a visiting young family with two little ones. I even remember their names this morning! In the afternoon I watched some golf while waiting for the usual nap to set in (I'm anticipating Tiger's return), and then it was time for the red carpet.

Today Yolande and I are shopping for mardi gras decorations for tomorrow's party at church. No more boring pancakes for us! Now to figure out some games and activities to turn this into a real bash! I've also got to prepare for a new Bible Study program we're starting on Wednesday, so my work is cut out for me in these next few days!

Off to catch my breath and be on my way!

1 comment:

Jayne said...

We so rarely go to the movies, I had not seen any of the nominated films! Therefore, we didn't even tune in to watch the hubub. Sounds like a very busy week ahead! XOXO


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