What has gotten into people? Shout outs at town hall meetings, boycotts of a presidential address to schools, and now there's a case before the supreme court where the argument is being made that because money can buy a media blitz it should be considered a right to free speech. Yeah, no.
I think it's all about control. The loss of it. At least it is that to which I attribute the anger, hostility, rudeness and self-righteousness that is so pervasive these days. There is so much uncertainty about jobs, money, whether or not the mortgage payment can be made and a family will be homeless in another month. It is about the cultural ego-slam when a man can't provide for his family. It is about gender bias when a woman is the head of a household and can't keep up. It is about the fear among the elderly whose nest-eggs have been robbed by the greed of a few. Closer to home it is about the concern for Junior when he deploys next in a unit that doesn't have the training and won't have the protection to which he's accustomed.
It's about daily survival, and it takes its toll.
We have concerns about money in our house, too. I'm not worried about the mortgage, but my credit rating is in the tank. That doesn't bode well for the future. There's no telling if it will recover or how long that will take. We have concerns about family estrangements, and the heartbreak tears at our souls a little with each day that goes by without movement toward resolution. Depression sucks air out of the motivation to do more to provide for our needs and recover from our wounds, fiscal and familial.
It's one day at a time, and it takes its toll. There are days when I feel right with the world and I get lots done and the people in my care are well served. There are days when survival barely allows me to spare them a thought. It's not fair to them, and I pray that the efforts of my better days compensate for those when I am merely surviving.
But I am not striking out. I am not disparaging another's character or shouting hateful words. I am not even thinking ill of someone who puts a bad face on the things I care about. In survival mode I am doing what I can to manage my life and use my time in a way that at the least benefits my household and my family, and then serves the needs of others. When we can't control the big things why can't we focus on the little things? Get the family together for a meal, wash a neighbor's car, plant a garden. Say "thank you" to someone every day for something they've done, expected or unexpected. Slap on some lipstick. Look at each day as a gift.
I have some friends who, when they get together for dinner they go around the table and offer up one thing that sucked about their day, and one thing that lifted it above the ordinary. It's a worthy endeavor, to acknowledge the crap and recognize the blessings. It puts life in perspective, shifts the focus away from the dregs and brings into the light at least one aspect of life that can be celebrated.
It's a place to start. And a world better than calling someone a liar.
I can't even post on my blog today, I'll just send them your way.
Atta girl!!!
God Inspired, I tell ya! (I'm reading Ignatius this morning, he calls himself "God Inspired" *g*)
A truly beautiful rant!!!
Hear hear! I say just moments after I've applied a fresh coat of lipstick...
I'm here because Kim sent me...
Preach it, sister. Preach it!
You got it right!
You are so, so right!
Well said, indeed!
Oh, and this is my first visit. I LOVE your beach photo! I can almost feel the sand between my toes. :)
Amen, amen, amen!!!!
And the thing that really kills me? I read that within 24 hours after yelling that out, his campaign funds had grown by $200,000! That many people agreed with him. Sad, sad, sad state of affairs. Are we really as a society heading in that direction? Thanks for saying it so elequently. Hopefully, there are more of us then them.
Amen Sistah! Loved your post!
Well said. I like the visual of the friends sitting around the table offering the bad and the good. A nice way to acknowledge negatives and then quickly pivot toward the positive again. Thanks for the thoughtful post. I got here through Kim's lovely blog.
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