This has been one of the most gorgeous springs I can recall, and when I get up in the morning and see deep blue skies and those long, early morning shadows cast by brilliant sunshine I breathe deep sighs of contentment. What a treat. We DID have some hot and humid days last week, but more than the usual share of gorgeous days has been the norm, and I have loved it. Most of my plants are doing well (although the Mexican heather got scorched in last weeks heat and needs a little r and r), and my hydrangea almost seems to be purring. Now if only it would manage another bloom! In the meantime I enjoy the one she has put forth. And the cool crispness of the morning air-- sounds like an invitation to walk the dogs...
Love your clock on kiwi time. Glad to say I get a holiday for the Queen this coming Monday. I like holidays. Your flowers are so beautiful and I am seriously considering a flower garden for me. Maybe an old English cottage one with Lavender and violets growing wild and abandoned - that would be nice.
Did you ever order some lilac to plant? :c) The hydrangea is beautiful...
Lovely hydrangia. Mine are white. That's about the colour of my rhododendron though.
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