It was one of those weekends where a sufficient moment to sit and write didn't make itself present. Lots of cleaning up, putting away, sorting, organizing and tossing (not necessarily in that order) consumed much of Saturday, and Sunday never seems to be a day when I am able to settle into much of anything.
Ken cooked shish kebab on Saturday night (see figure 1), basted with a very tasty sauce that we will be enjoying for days. For father’s day I relieved him of culinary responsibility and put in the oven something I picked up at Publix! Not exactly doing the cooking, but I found I couldn’t resist already prepared chicken cordon bleu. It was quite good.
The other event of note over the weekend was the election of a new presiding bishop for the Episcopal Church, USA; the first woman ever to hold that post, Katharine Jefferts Schori, bishop of Nevada (see fi

gure 2). I don’t know a lot about her, but she seems impressive from what I read: speaks five languages, has a Ph. D. in oceanography, is a licensed pilot, and has a passion for and a history of inclusion in her ministry, including a facility for reconciliation. It’s not exactly a surprise that while m
any cheer this election, there are grumbles as well. She will be consecrated and invested in her new position in November, and it will be interesting to see whether or not she attends the eventual consecration of whomever we manage to elect when we try again (at the end of October). There are clergy in my diocese who don’t approve of the ordination of women, so I’m sure they’re not particularly happy at the moment. Interesting times lie ahead, to be sure.
Off to do my laps!
I'm glad to see you have finally gotten your bishop! I agree she sounds like a good one. One other kudo to her list, she was born in Pensacola! Our paper had a nice article front page about her. pensacolanewsjournal.com if you are interested.
Have a wonderful day!
Well, she isn't exactly my bishop! The position to which she was elected is the presiding bishop for the Episcopal Church, USA. She presides over the whole of us (109 dioceses, or something like that)! The diocese of Tennessee, where I live, is where we have had so much trouble electing one for local oversight.
I heard about the election of the first woman presiding bishop and I thought of you. If she is interested in inclusion and reconciliation she sounds like a good choice (as if I should have something to say about your bishop!) and she seems a most accomplished person, but I would think one would have to be to get that far. Hope your local bishop can be shosen soon.
what is this, I go from Jules blog to yours and all the food awaits me! Now I really am hungry. AND I am glad a woman of clear distinction has been given this role. If she stirs things up then perhaps things needed to be stirred. No idea what has gotten into me lately, all this pot stirring.
One of the most moving accounts of the election that I have seen is found by clicking here. It is truly a remarkable event. My joyous prayers are with the ECUSA.
One small step for mankind, one giant step for women!
I heard about the election yesterday on the news. What a great step forward! Hope the choice for your diocese is just as admirable.
Have a good day.
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