Friday, March 13, 2009

friday five: mid-Lent check-in

From the Revgals: an invitation to check in on the state of your spirit midway through "this joyful season where we prepare to celebrate the paschal mystery with mind and heart renewed" (Roman Missal).

1. Did you give up, or take on, anything special for Lent this year?
I have a deep yearning to engage my creative side, and on most days I deny that yearning, believing that my time and efforts will bear no fruit. For Lent, I chose to give up listening to the voice that convinces me of that falsehood.

2. Have you been able to stay with your original plans, or has life gotten in the way?
I’ve actually managed to stay with my original plan, even though at times I have not been conscious of it. Since my discipline has been more of a strategy than a task it doesn’t look the same every day. But I have been reading more, knitting, spent an entire week engaged in creating (see next item), planning projects, and listening to an idea that has emerged in my heart. The Holy Spirit has made her presence manifest in both subtle and unmistakable ways this Lent.
3. Has God had any surprising blessings for you during this Lent?
OMG, beyond my imaginings! Read last week’s posts, I have written about that blessing there. The opportunity to spend last week at an icon-writing workshop was an incredible gift of renewal and transformation. Most amazing of all was the emergence of a deep, spiritual relationship with Mary. Who’d have thunk?
4. What is on your inner and/or outer agenda for the remainder of Lent and Holy Week?
I suspect that my changed relationship with Mary will have an impact on my experience of Holy Week. I can’t predict, of course, but I can imagine that our companionship during that week might bring me face to face with parts of that journey that I have never seen or confronted before.
5. Where do you most long to see resurrection, in your life and/or in the world, this Easter?
For one engaged in an ostensibly spiritual vocation, my work (and somehow my personal life) is more task-oriented and less soul-feeding than I would like. My deepest longing is for my life to include the kind of soul-feasting that I enjoyed “BS,” Before Seminary. What does that look like? Entertaining, quilting, gardening, calligraphy, photography…
My longing for resurrection in the world finds hope in Barack Obama’s leadership. In my opinion his “agenda” reflects the closest thing to a gospel presidency that has ever occupied the oval office. He can only begin a process of transformation, but I want to be part of and do my part to assist it.

Bonus: Share a favorite scripture, prayer, poem, artwork, or musical selection that speaks Lenten spring to your heart.


Dr. Laura Marie Grimes said...

What an amazing picture....And what amazing works of grace in your heart the Holy Spirit is bringing about, with some help from her friend Mary.

I did read the icon posts; your icon and the process that led to it are so powerful. May you continue to be set free to delight in your creativity and the way it connects you to God!

Jayne said...

So glad it's been a Lenten season of reflection... love to you. :c)


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